Camping is a great opportunity to relax and explore the great outdoors. Whether you’re traveling solo, with a group of friends, or with your family, you will find yourself surrounded with plenty of opportunities for a good time.

Staying at a Campground
Before you even start your camping adventure it’s important to research the campground you’re going to beforehand. If you’re staying at a private campground, many of them offer and host loads of free, daily or weekly events for campers. Be sure to check out the campgrounds website or give them a call or email in order to check the activities you’ll be able to participate in.

If you live near the campground, you can even stop by the office ahead of time and ask someone directly. Many campgrounds will host family game nights for members of all ages. Usually game nights at campgrounds will consist of scavenger hunt tournaments, select board and card games, or relay races.
It is also common for campgrounds to host community BBQ’s for everyone staying at the campsite, it’s a great opportunity to socialize and meet new people. Another recurrent activity campgrounds will host are arts and crafts. Arts and crafts hours are great for keeping kids entertained but they’re also fun for adults to participate in as well!
Check out the Surrounding Area
While there will be plenty of things to do wherever you choose to camp, it’s also a good idea to search the surrounding areas for even more things to do. If you are staying at a campground, the hosts will often have a list of places nearby for dining or places with different activities that aren’t available at the campsite.

Even if you’re not staying at a campground and just staying within nature, depending on how deep you go, there’s often activities within a short walking or driving distance away. Places like nearby beaches where you can swim, parks where you can have a nice picnic, or even local cider mills or fruit picking areas will all provide lots of fun. You can also check out recreational activities such as local fishing and hunting spots.
Nature Activities
One of the main reasons people go camping in the first place is to be in nature and experience all it has to offer in depth. Once you’re settled into the campsite there is so much opportunity around you for adventure. If you want to get out and get your heart rate up or just have a nice, relaxing day exploring nature you’ll have plenty of options.

Hiking: Hiking is the perfect activity for getting some exercise yet also being able to take it slow and admire the nature around you. Studies have shown that hiking boosts happiness and improves your sleeping patterns. Research nearby hiking trails, waterfalls, or unique landmarks before you leave for your trip.
Cycling: Cycling is a great, more fast paced activity if you don’t care to focus on the specifics of the nature around you and just want to be immersed in it. Be sure to research nearby bike trails before you get to your camping destination and be sure to bring your bicycle and safety equipment.
Climbing Trees: Climbing trees is a fun activity for people of all ages. Most people did it when they were kids but why stop now? Climbing trees will expend a lot of energy and tire you out, and it’s fantastic for building your gross motor skills and creative thinking.
Slacklining: Slacklining is a newer activity that has been gaining popularity in the general population recently. It is the act of walking, running, or balancing on a rope, similar to tightrope walking. It offers many benefits such as improving your balance and coordination. If you’re looking to learn a new skill, it’s definitely worth a shot and doesn’t require much equipment.
Rock Climbing: Rock climbing is a great activity for getting your heart rate up as well as helping your brain work on problem solving. Rock climbing also allows you to explore many places where you otherwise wouldn’t be able to by simply walking.
Scavenger Hunts: Scavenger hunts are a classic camping tradition and are fun for the whole family. They can be a great bonding activity as well and take up a good amount of time. You can collect small items from the nature around you like certain shaped leaves or twigs, or even make spotting certain destinations part of the hunt.
Water Activities
Some of the best camping you can experience is often located near a water source such as a lake or river, due to the high amount of recreational activities associated with them. Whether it’s good old fashioned swimming or water sports, the opportunities for fun on the water are almost endless.

Fishing: For those who enjoy fishing make sure you bring your fishing equipment. Fishing is a great activity recreationally, but depending on the location, can also be great for your dinner! Fish with the whole group and work together to catch enough to have a fish fry. The feeling of accomplishment will make the hard work with it.
Canoeing/Kayaking: Canoeing and kayaking is a fun, yet calming activity. You’ll be able to explore new places you would otherwise not be able to by simply walking. Whether you’re exploring small caverns or weaving through the cattail fields, you’ll be getting good exercise and having good experiences. If you don’t have your own canoe or kayak, many campgrounds offer rentals.
Paddleboarding: Paddleboarding is another calming activity that is great for when the water is flat. Paddleboarding can help increase your balance and you can go solo, simply listening to sounds of nature and water around you. If you don’t have your own paddleboard, many campgrounds offer rental deals.
Tubing: If you’re lucky enough to have your own boat along with you and you’re camping in a large body of water, bring swimming tubes! Tubing will be super entertaining even for those who aren’t actively participating. For those participating however, it will be even more fun trying not to get thrown off into the water.
Skipping Rocks: Skipping rocks is a classic activity that people have entertained themselves with outside for ages. Throw a competition on who can get the most skips or who can get the rock the furthest. If someone doesn’t know how to do it, turn it into a teaching moment!
Seashell Hunting: Hunting for seashells is a fun activity for all ages, whether you’re 8, 80, or everything in between. You can collect neat looking seashells for yourself or as gifts for other people back home. You can make it even more interesting by having a competition on who can collect the most of certain colors, shapes, or just the most in general.
Tent Activities
Sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate with everything you planned to do, so you need to improvise. When everyone is upset about canceled plans and stuck in the tent or RV, you have to think of something fast! Thankfully, there’s a ton of activities that you can still do in the tent to save the day and prevent everyone from being bored.

Cards: Make sure you bring cards with you as there are so many game options with a regular pack of playing cards. Card games like Poker, Blackjack, Crazy Eights, or even Uno will be fun for the whole family and allow everyone to get competitive in a healthy way.
Board Games: Board games are also a great thing to bring for when the weather is bad on your trip. Games such as Monopoly, Clue, and Apples to Apples will provide hours of fun for everyone.
Knitting/Crocheting: If you already know how or you want to learn a new skill, bring knitting or crocheting supplies! They are great activities to do by yourself when you just want to relax and be in your own head, and you can even create something useful for the trip like a hat or gloves!
Coloring: Simply bringing a small coloring book will be fun for people of all ages, not just kids. Nowadays there are a huge amount of adult coloring books and meditative coloring books, as well as the classic kids ones.
Legos: Bringing Legos with you will be another great activity for tent time. Legos help with gross motor skills as well as creativity. In order to add some more fun, have a competition on who can build the highest tower or who can build the best replica of a building that exists in real life!
Telling Stories/Scary stories: Telling fantasy or scary stories is a classic camping activity that’s been around for ages. Tell a scary story with a flashlight pointed up to your chin to make your face look spooky! You can make it even more fun by holding a competition on who can tell the most entertaining story.
Read also: 20 Fun Games to Play While Camping
Camping allows you to do so much in such a small amount of time and helps you form memories that will last you a lifetime. Whether you go by yourself for some soul searching and self-care, or with a group or family for some bonding time it will be beneficial for you. You will have ample opportunity to explore new skills and talents you have and most importantly, relax.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are there any games or activities to keep kids entertained while camping?
A: Absolutely! Camping provides a great opportunity for children to connect with nature and have fun. Traditional games like scavenger hunts, sack races, and flashlight tag can entertain kids and keep them engaged. Nature-inspired activities such as nature crafts, leaf and rock painting, or building fairy houses using materials from the surroundings can spark their creativity. Outdoor sports like frisbee, soccer, or a game of catch are also great options. Don’t forget to bring along board games or card games for some indoor entertainment during downtime or in case of inclement weather. By involving children in camping activities and encouraging their curiosity, you can create lasting memories and foster their love for the outdoors.
Q: How can I make the most of my camping trip during the evening?
A: Evenings during a camping trip offer a unique ambiance and a chance to create memorable experiences. Start by preparing a delicious campfire meal, cooking up some tasty food while enjoying the company of your fellow campers. Afterward, gather around the campfire to share stories, sing songs, or play campfire games. Engage in stargazing, where you can marvel at the vastness of the night sky and try to spot constellations. If you’re a photography enthusiast, experiment with long exposure shots to capture stunning images of the night sky. Finally, end the evening by making s’mores—a classic camping treat that brings people together and adds a sweet touch to the camping experience.