Outdoor Gear Review

All our independent outdoor gear reviews

Outdoor Gear Review

The best review that you can make is after you have used a piece of gear for many years and write down your thoughts about it. This, next to researching online, helps us to write excellent reviews about gear that matters. Here are all the independent outdoor gear reviews that we made for products and their accessories.

Our Latest Outdoor Gear Reviews

fake Oakleys - Foakleys

Why do cyclists buy fake Oakleys (Foakleys)?

In the world of cycling, performance, and style often go hand in hand. Cyclists not only demand high-quality gear to enhance their rides but also seek eyewear that complements their look. Oakley, a

Camping Product Reviews

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Best Hiking Pants of 2025

The Camping Feed Staff brings you detailed reviews of the best hiking pants, and our experts give you the pros, cons, and standout features of each pair.  By: Camping Feed Staff  |  Last

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Are you really tired of searching for the best camping chairs of 2025? We are! The Camping Feed staff tested over 50 of the ultimate camping chairs and recliners to choose our Top

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Best Camping Tents of 2025

Durable and cheap are two words that can’t be put together in a sentence when looking for the best camping tents out there. That’s why we break down the industry’s top picks for